Your goal is to get to the Blue Diamond in the top left to repair the HUB.
There is no win screen but there is a blank black end screen.

You can use WASD or arrow keys to move. You can hold or press a direction.

A remake of a jam game made in 2019 for a class project. The theme of the jam was "Repair" and this project is more of a concept and prototype than a complete game.
There are several nodes and part of the game is figuring out how they work and what they do. There is a small section that use each node to help in the bottom left of the starting area.

For those who are confused, here is a descriptor of each node and wire:
Red-Blue Connected : Basic wire can traverse
Red-Blue Cut : Needs to be repaired. Repair wire can be collected at repair node.
Brown : Dead wire, needs connected lock to be unlocked in order to traverse.
Purple : Bridge wire. Needs to be powered by Coundown or Switch node.

S Node : Switch node. Turns on an associated bridge. Only indication is light on active bridge. This is permanent.
C Node : Countdown node. Works like a switch node, but only lasts for 5 moves. Then bridge becomes inactive again.
Wire Node : Repair node. Each one picked up is placed in inventory (not indicated but you can hold more than one) and can be used to repair cut wires by traveling in the direction of them.
Key Node : Unlocks corresponding lock node.
Lock Node : Makes connected paths traversable only if unlocked by corresponding key node.

Blue Diamond - Light nodes. These simply illuminate the area.
HUB Node : Currently does nothing. The intention was for lights to turn on and have several areas rather than just one.

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